Weather Stripping and Sealing Solutions

Weather Stripping and Sealing Solutions

Nov 23rd 2020

When manufacturing your windows, doors, or other various applications something is needed to seal openings to protect applications from outside forces. That something, is called weather stripping tape which is used during the process of sealing openings. Weather stripping serves to protect applications both internally and externally. The purpose of utilizing these products is to prevent moisture, humidity, or water from entering by blocking these external forces. A secondary way it helps is by keeping air in by stopping any leakage to save energy on heating and air conditioning. Altogether, it is essential to ensure the longevity of applications all white protecting them from the inside and out.

Weather stripping will ensure that every little crack and seal is securely sealed to ensure your customers can save on energy and bills when using your final application. Whether you are manufacturing houses, recreational vehicles, trucks, or any other application that requires secure sealing, weather stripping will be useful to produce reliable products that your customers are looking for. Often these applications will encounter conditions such as rain, ice, snow, UV exposure, and dirt which can cause damage. Weather stripping aids in blocking these conditions to ensure applications are protected.

Duraco carries a wide variety of weather stripping and materials that can be used for all sorts of applications. If you need to prevent leakage from occurring, reduce vibration noise, fill gaps, or reduce noise, we have a product that is suitable for your application.

If you would like more information on our available weather stripping materials contact one of our tape experts today.