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Tapes + Foam Materials That Speed Up Demanding PPE Production

Tapes + Foam Materials That Speed Up Demanding PPE Production

Mar 19th 2021

Most people do not understand the importance of adhesive-backed foam tapes and their role in the COVID-19 pandemic response effort.

Tape and foam materials are essential to quickly assemble and produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as face shields and various other applications to keep frontline workers and people safe. As a leading, US-based manufacturer, Duraco had to step up its production of adhesives, double-sided foam tapes, and gaskets to better support the demand for PPE during the worldwide pandemic crisis.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US, Duraco’s leadership team knew there was an opportunity and potential to use our adhesive tapes in PPE applications. What started as a simple request for double-sided foam tapes, which support the production face shields by speeding up assembly time to keep up with PPE's demand, later turned into a persistent trend. Through this, the team realized how we could provide more value through multiple customer requests by supporting personal protective needs across the nation.

One of our most significant accomplishments was receiving our COVID-19 First Responder Badge from Thomas.Net, indicating we are a certified supplier and manufacturer of foams and materials that help with PPE assembly. By earning this badge, we pledge to continue to support the ongoing mission to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic by manufacturing materials to help create various PPE to keep people safe. By partnering with, we are now part of a central resource hub that keeps industry professionals up to date on crucial information in real-time, so they know who can respond to their adhesive needs for PPE. When Duraco is needed, our tape experts are ready to answer and provide the best tape solution at any given moment.

Becoming a COVID-19 First Response Supplier has been a big win for Duraco as the need for foam and adhesive tapes has become widespread. When the pandemic started, we had to reconfigure production lines to support the demand for die-cut foam and adhesive tapes. When presented with a challenge, we looked at it as an opportunity to show we can and are willing to step up when needed. Whether it is producing materials that are used for PPE or assisting with the next biggest challenge we foresee, there is one fact that is certain - our manufacturing task force and capabilities allow us to help during challenging times across various industries and markets.

We are forever grateful to our manufacturing workforce for quickly adjusting production and our supply chains to help those in need. With a fully stocked warehouse and professional services, we're equipped and ready to respond at any given moment.   

Questions? Talk to a tape expert today!